Truut Truut.... Hello?
Member 1 : Wei jom klua minum2... hangout... ader benda nak cakap...
Tape la, aku ader hal la...
Member 1 : okay.. lain kali la yer...
Trutt Trutt... Hello?
Member 2 : Wei ari nih gi (tempat 1), sana lawa ah scenery
Alamak, aku ader hal la petang nih...
Member 2 : okay lah... lain kali la yer...
12:30 pm
Hello, kat mana babe?
Dia : kat KB. tapi kejap je, nak balik dah
2:30 pm
Hello... da sampai rumah ke?
Dia : ada kat KB lagi nih, makan kejap,
pot pet pot pet...
Dia : Kejap eh, nak try baju jap... kejapppp jeee...
3:00 pm
SMS "Lama nyer 'keejaappp dierr' "
Dia SMS : Gi tandas la tadi
4:00 pm
Dia SMS : Member ajak gi kenduri
SMS "Okay"
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sunyi sgt ke cmtu.?hahaha
gapo la mu merepek ni?
ape ke mende mu nih, lg jeng pade badai purba ...
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